New Hope Church is a house of prayer for all people. We gather to worship in spirit and in truth, and we welcome all who are seeking truth and fellowship.
God, the Creator of the universe, wants to be in an intimate relationship with us, and He has
given everything to make that possible.
We were born broken and without hope, but God the Father
provided His son Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for our sins,
making a way for us to be at peace with the Father and escape
eternal punishment in hell.
The Holy Bible is the true and pure Word of God. It is the basis of our belief and reveals the heart and attributes of God the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible points the way to Jesus.
It is through Jesus that we are made whole. In relationship with
Him, we have hope, purpose, and meaning in this life, and it is
through Him that we gain eternal life with Him. Salvation from
our sin and brokenness is achieved through faith in Christ
Jesus. Water baptism is an outward sign of the work that has
taken place in our hearts.
Our congregation worships with hymns and contemporary songs
that tell the story of the church through the ages and express
our life in Christ in the twenty-first century. We incorporate
the old and the new in our services and look for new ways to
express our love for the Lord. We value quality in each
expression of worship.
New Hope Church is part of the Congregational Methodist Church and is one of the older established churches in Shelby County, Texas. Our doctrine is Wesleyan, and our government is congregational.